What's on the Menu?
Children in our Full Day programs receive lunch and two snacks every day. See our menus below!
Children in our Half Day programs (including TK) bring their lunch from home each day.
Find out what's on the CCDC menu!
Milk is offered with our morning snack, and juice is served with the afternoon snack. Some substitutions are made for Infants and Toddlers. Bread and milk are provided with lunch. The menu may change due to product availability from our vendors.
Full Day Hot Lunches: We offer well-balanced choices of meat/proteins, vegetables, fresh fruits, starch side dishes, whole-grain bread, enriched or fortified cereals, and whole milk.
Full Day Snacks: We provide snacks low in sugar and 100% fruit juices.
Selection & Variety: Menus are rotated to introduce a variety of options while keeping a selection of familiar items that children eat well.
If your child does not tolerate the 2% cow’s milk we serve, you may bring nutritionally equivalent soy milk, kefir, or Lactaid®.
We are nut-free to avoid any allergy concerns.